Saturday, March 22, 2025

2 Nephi 5:34 -- On Happiness and War

"And it sufficeth me to say that forty years had passed away, and we had already had wars and contentions with our brethren."
2 Nephi 5:34

By itself, this verse sounds like things were kind of bleak. But in verse 27, Nephi says "And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness." And then we get here and we find out that wars and conflicts were happing during that happiness.

I think it reinforces the lesson that happiness isn't dictated by external factors, but instead is a product of both our focus and attitude and our connection with God, who brings us hope and joy even when we personally can't see past the current darkness.

Today, no matter what is going on around us, let's remember that we can still live after the manner of happiness. Let's call on God for help and be diligent to find the joy that he sends.

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