Monday, February 10, 2020

Jacob 6:11-12 -- On Wisdom and the Narrow Way

"O then, my beloved brethren, repent ye, and enter in at the strait gate, and continue in the way which is narrow, until ye shall obtain eternal life.
O be wise; what can I say more?"
Jacob 6:11-12

Wouldn't it be nice if "O be wise" were enough to remind us to get back on track?  And maybe it can be... maybe a sign by the door, on a keyring, a blinking neon sign that follows you around... okay, maybe it isn't always enough. :)  But it is a good idea, to be wise, and I like the first verse in the selection here as an illustration of one of the wise things that we often forget.

Repentance is necessary, but not just once.  It's a daily thing at least, because we're always forgetting and losing the spirit and letting ourselves fall into anger or frustration or other uncharitable emotions, and those things pull us off the path.  We have times in our lives when we can see the hope, and everything seems to be working together for good, and then later it starts falling apart.  It isn't always that we're falling off the path... sometimes it is just a test, but it is *often* that we aren't as in tune with the Spirit as we were when we felt that hope.  The answer isn't to give up, but to get that feeling back, and to learn what caused us to fall off the path, so we can avoid repeating that pattern in the future.

Today, let's do some course correction.  Let's repent of today's sins, and of any others that are waiting in the wings, and let's work to get the spirit back in our lives and get back in the narrow way. :)

And hey, let's remind ourselves to be wise too.  Couldn't hurt. :)

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