Saturday, February 1, 2020

2 Nephi 5:27 -- On the Manner of Happiness

"And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness."
2 Nephi 5:27

This is an interesting scripture, because it is talking about happiness being the result of a way of living.  In the context of Nephi's life, that way isn't about comfort and ease, and it isn't about lack of conflict, because starting from scratch in a new land and having your brothers trying to murder you, and starting wars against you when you move away... that isn't easy or conflict-free. :)  But it sounds like they were happy anyway, which likely means that we can be too, despite difficulties and persecution. :)

Today, let's follow Nephi's example, and live "after the manner of happiness." Let's keep the commandments, and look to God in all that we do.  Let's trust God and ask for what we need, and study and pray and work to be better and to make the world around us better. :)

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