Saturday, February 22, 2020

2 Nephi 24:3 -- On Rest and Faith

"And it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall give thee rest, from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve."
2 Nephi 24:3

I like the promise here that this time is coming.  We don't know exactly when, but it is something we can look forward to.  I think a lot of life is like that... anticipation of good things coming, even though the present is often imperfect and can be difficult.

Isn't that what faith is, really?  Trusting that the sun will come out again even though it is pitch black outside... knowing that God keeps his promises, believing that miracles happen, and that hope is not lost.

Today, instead of panicking or withdrawing when something goes wrong, let's try jumping in and researching a fix.  Maybe it's something that Google can help with, and maybe it is something that only God can do... but either way, let's look into it.  Let's read about what other people have done in similar situations, let's research what God's advice is about that subject, and then let's pray and work and do whatever we can.  And when we get to a point where there isn't anything left to do, then it is God's turn to work on it, and let's trust that it will work out exactly as it should.  That isn't always the happiest outcome, but even setbacks now lead to God's eventual happy ending for us all.  Let's believe and hold on to that. :)

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