Wednesday, May 24, 2000

Zechariah 1:3

"Therefore say thou unto them, Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Turn ye unto me, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will turn unto you, saith the Lord of hosts."
Zechariah 1:3

This is interesting.  First of all I think the repetition is kind of funny... shows us how thick-headed we are sometimes.  And how much we try to discount people's words. :)  Like... oh, well God didn't say it, so it isn't true.  Or, that apostle was only speaking in a fireside, not in General Conference, so I don't think that is revelation. :)  We're weird like that... so in this scripture God makes it abundantly clear who is making the statement. :)  And then, of course, what he says is interesting too... turn unto me and I will turn unto you.  If we serve God, he will serve us.  If we stand up for him, he will stand up for us.  As we come unto him, he will come unto us.  Not that he doesn't do a lot of work to bring us back when we are walking away... but here we have a promise that he will match (and exceed) our efforts... exactly.  The more effort we put into our relationship with God the more we will get out of it... and isn't that true in most relationships?  More amazing here of course because having God on your side is better than anything else, and it kind of encompasses everything else we could ever want. :) :)
So anyway, try this... watch your lives.  Do something extra for God today, and see if you don't get a little extra in return. :)  Be more consistent with your prayers and see if you don't get more consistent happiness and peace in your life... it works.

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