Sunday, January 12, 2025

Mosiah 23:1 --- On Running Away As a Legitimate Spiritual Option

"Now Alma, having been warned of the Lord that the armies of king Noah would come upon them, and having made it known to his people, therefore they gathered together their flocks, and took of their grain, and departed into the wilderness before the armies of king Noah."
Mosiah 23:1

What strikes me today, reading this, is how often the Lord has people run away... leave dangerous situations rather than stay and resist/fight. Abraham, Moses, Lehi, Nephi, and here Alma... and many more. The Lord leads his people out of a bad situation, and then blesses them with a better one. Often a "promised land" where they can dwell in safety and peace. ... Not without effort, which is always important to point out, but perhaps less conflict / war / effort than had they stayed in the untenable situation in the first place.

Today, let's remember that staying and fighting to the death is a media ideal, not an actual ideal. When we are in an impossible situation, let's remember to turn to the Lord, and that running away is often a really good option. It isn't always what the Lord asks, but if escaping IS what the Lord suggests, we should be open to it, knowing that the Lord will lead us to something better.

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