Sunday, January 5, 2025

D&C 26:1 -- On Devotions of Time

"Behold, I say unto you that you shall let your time be devoted to the studying of the scriptures, and to preaching, and to confirming the church at Colesville, and to performing your labors on the land, such as is required, until after you shall go to the west to hold the next conference; and then it shall be made known what you shall do."
Doctrine and Covenants 26:1

I like the idea here that there are a lot of good things to do. I love that God gave such specific direction, but I also like that he gave some fairly generic commands as well, leaving much in the hand of those who remained to read it later (and everyone reading the scriptures later), and reminding us that God wants us to do much of our own free will and not require a revelation to make choices.

Today, let's scrupulously do God's will, including reading our scriptures, and also make wise choices that reflect God's will and bring ourselves and others closer to Christ, even if exact actions weren't specified.

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