Wednesday, January 8, 2025

D&C 32:4 -- On Foundations and Prayer

"And they shall give heed to that which is written, and pretend to no other revelation; and they shall pray always that I may unfold the same to their understanding."
Doctrine and Covenants 32:4

The "pretend to no other revelation" thing is interesting here. Just guessing, but perhaps a reminder to first seek to obtain the gospel before seeking to expound upon it. It isn't that we can't get personal revelation, but more that we need to understand God and his gospel before we are ready for additional information, and if we try to go too quickly, we rish being decieved, or decieving ourselves. In verse one, God mentions that Parley should "learn of me," which is a good idea for all of us, and really, a lifelong pursuit. Today, let's remember that we need to learn the basics before going to graduate school. :)

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