Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Helaman 4:15 -- On Repentance and Prosperity

"And it came to pass that they did repent, and inasmuch as they did repent they did begin to prosper."
Helaman 4:15

This seems like a good thing to keep in mind going into the new year. :) If we want to prosper, we should continue to repent each day. In this case they were recovering their lands from the Lamanites, but we can liken the scripture to ourselves ... whatever it is that we want to accomplish, we will get much further with repentance in the mix. :)

I also think that regular repentance just helps us to get out of our own way as we seek to accomplish anything... it helps us to remain humble, remember that we are fallible, and helps us correct our direction as we go. It invites the Spirit of God into our lives as we acknowledg our mistakes and ask for guidance. Let's go to the Lord today and clear things up, commit to do better, and then keep it up.

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