Sunday, April 30, 2023

D&C 50:22-23 -- On Learning and Uplifting

"Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together.
And that which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness."
Doctrine and Covenants 50:22-23

Some good points to consider here. Preaching (and learning in general) is a collaborative effort. It isn't just one person imparting wisdom from on high. We learn together, and from one another. Also, things that don't edify aren't of God. That's a huge one to keep in mind I think... if it is something that isn't uplifiting us, but rather dragging us down, we're doing it wrong. The gospel is not something we can pick and choose through, only keeping those things that "spark joy," but it is a good guideline about how we are interpreting and using God's principles. If we can't see the goodness there, then we have more to learn.

Today, let's remember both of these things... that God wants us to learn from each other, even when we are preaching the gospel, and that things that don't lift us up aren't of God. I think that should help us a lot when we're thinking about how and what to teach, and keep us working on the problem of things that don't seem to uplift... let's talk to God about those things, and keep working, trusting that God's will is all good, and whatever is dragging us down isn't what he is asking.

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