Friday, April 14, 2023

Helaman 11:16:17 -- On Trying Again

"And now, O Lord, wilt thou turn away thine anger, and try again if they will serve thee? And if so, O Lord, thou canst bless them according to thy words which thou hast said.
And it came to pass that in the seventy and sixth year the Lord did turn away his anger from the people, and caused that rain should fall upon the earth, insomuch that it did bring forth her fruit in the season of her fruit. And it came to pass that it did bring forth her grain in the season of her grain."
Helaman 11:16:17

I really like the idea here of trying again. The people had repented, and the prophet asked the Lord to try again. We are familiar with this in our own lives... tweaking something, trying again to see if it will work. Restarting, getting back up, seeing if a reboot will help. Nephi and his brothers tried again on getting the Brass Plates from Laban, Jonah tried again after getting vomited back to land, and we all have to retry and start tasks over from time to time when we make mistakes or mixed up the instructions or whatever. It's part of life... as we see here, even for God. He prunes and weeds and feeds his olive trees, and keeps trying for the good fruit. He's perfect, but he isn't expecting the trees to be... he's taking his time, trying new things, helping them in every way he can.

Today, let's work on repenting and changing, and getting it right THIS time, even if we haven't been right very much previously. Let's remember that we reach perfection a little at a time rather than all at once, and give other people the chance to improve incrementally as well. Let's look to God and trust him to help us improve as we take his advice and live his way.

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