Friday, March 26, 2021

1 Nephi 7:10 -- On Forgetting the Lord

"How is it that ye have forgotten that ye have seen an angel of the Lord?"
1 Nephi 7:10

I think this applies to all of our lives because, even if we haven't specifically seen an angel, we have had other spiritual experiences, and unfortunately way, way too often we discount or even forget them as we let the cares of the world block spiritual things out, or even purposely block things out (as Laman and Lemuel did) because we want to do something we know the Lord won't approve of.

We can forget what the spirit feels like, forget how it feels to talk to God, and the certainty that we have gained that walking with God is the right way, and the primary thing that makes our lives better.  We need that reminder... the "can ye feel so now" (Alma 5:26) moment where we realize that we need to get that spirit back.  

The scriptures are full of verses asking us to remember, and giving us stories and lessons that help us to remember... but we have to work at it as well.  It's way too easy to let other things get in the way.  That's why church, prayer, scripture study, etc. are always "Sunday School" answers, because they help us remember, and they matter in our effort to keep that spirit alive in our lives, so that we can remain in touch with God.

Today, let's take some time and remember "how merciful the Lord hath been" (Moroni 10:3) unto us, and get back in the frame of mind where we can reach out to God and feel his presence in our lives.

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