Monday, May 11, 2020

D&C 20:7 -- On Commandments as Inspiration

"And gave unto him commandments which inspired him;"
Doctrine and Covenants 20:7

Single verse and partial sentence here, but enough.  I love the idea of inspiring commandments.  I think that we rarely think of commandments that way.  We usually think about them being restrictive or limiting, or even impossible.  They can be daunting, but we don't usually think of them as inspiring... so let's stop and think of that for a minute.  I think that tweak in perspective can help us look at something like "be ye therefore perfect" and realize that it isn't a reason to be afraid or despairing, but a reason to rejoice.  If God tells us to do something, he means us to DO it... not immediately, but as an inspiring goal, and a promise of what we can be someday, if we work at it.

I think there are a lot of commandments like that, if we think about it from an inspiration point of view.  Commandments that inspire us to be better, that offer hope for what is to come... that promise that we can overcome our weaknesses and really become who we want to be.

Today, let's try to tweak our perspectives about the commandments that are hard for us.  Let's see them as promises between God and ourselves... if we work on them, God will help us live up to the dream / promise / inspiration inherent in the commandment.  When God commands us to love even our enemies, we kind of shy away from the thought of that... but it's actually a promise from God that every busted relationship and every ongoing feud and every active power struggle can one day be resolved, and even our enemies and ourselves will see eye to eye... that eventually love wins. :)  Let's believe in that today, and be inspired. :)

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