Wednesday, May 20, 2020

D&C 27:15 -- On Lifting Up Our Hearts and Rejoicing

"Wherefore, lift up your hearts and rejoice, and gird up your loins, and take upon you my whole armor, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, having done all, that ye may be able to stand."
Doctrine and Covenants 27:15

I find it interesting in this verse that the first thing that we are asked to do is to lift up our hearts and rejoice. :)  God acknowledges that we are going to need some important things if we are going to withstand "the evil day," and all the rest of those things are also significant... but the fact that lifting up our hearts and rejoicing comes first seems telling.

I think part of it is that when we're happy we're hopeful and optimistic, and endurance and mental fortitude (and perhaps even faith?) are greatly affected by our attitude.  I also think that we're more likely to jump in and make changes and try to help when we're happy.  Hopelessness and depression can turn us into slugs where we just aren't interested in doing anything or dealing with anyone.

Today, let's definitely work on girding up our loins, wearing the armor of God, and being tough in a spiritual way.  But first, let's make sure we're happy.  God wants that, and it is part of the purpose of all of this, right?  "... men are, that they might have joy" (2 Nephi 2:25). 

And if we're not happy, let's talk to God about it.  Not about changing our external circumstances necessarily, but about changing our internal landscape and letting God teach us how to find the good around us and learning what good things make us happy.  If it is important to God, then let's invest some time in it, and not built up resentment living a life we hate.  ... That doesn't mean that we should be irresponsible and give in to temptations to smash up our lives or our families in a sinful way though... engaging in sin is never a way to true happiness (Alma 41:10).  Finding a path to happiness could mean big changes in our lives, or tiny changes in our perspectives, but the way is always through God.  He will help us understand that we are capable of being happy now, in this moment, no matter the context. :)

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