Sunday, August 18, 2019

Romans 8:32 -- On Sacrifice

"He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?"
Romans 8:32

This verse struck me today because I guess it made me look at God's sacrifice in a different way.  Normally I guess I find God's perspective sort of alien.  He knows everything, and death is just a doorway to him, rather than the more permanent, earthly perspective that we learn here.

This verse made the whole experience seem more like what I imagine the story of Abraham was when he took his son Isaac to sacrifice him... even though he had been saved from the same thing himself, and that was one of the reasons he sought the Lord.  Everything in his individual experience was probably crying out against it, but he also had complete faith in the Lord, and that won out.  He was willing to do whatever God asked.  ... And maybe one of the reasons that God asked it was so that Abraham, and by extension all of us upon hearing and knowing the story, could understand what he was going through in sacrificing his son for our sake.

As Paul says here... if he was willing to allow that to happen to his son, for our sake, then what would he not be willing to give us, at least in terms of things that will help us rather than hurt us? :)

Today, let's remember on maybe a more personal level how much God really loves us and wants to help us in our lives.  Let's go to him with our joy as well as our sorrow, and honor the counsel that he gives us, and his sacrifice.

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