Saturday, August 3, 2019

Psalms 126:5 -- On Reaping Joy

"They that sow in tears shall reap in joy."
Psalms 126:5

This is a good thing to remember.  Although a lot of the things that we do in life are hard, if they are things that the Lord approves of, and part of our work to lift ourselves and other people to his level and walk on his path, not one instant of that effort is wasted.  We are planting the seeds of life and hope and joy, and although we often do not see them growing, they always lead to good.

Just as Noah, the Brother of Jared, and Nephi couldn't see where the vessels they built would lead them and yet they still built them, so too is our work.  We can't see where we are going to end up, but we *know* that we are headed to the promised land. :)

Today, let's trust in the joy that is coming.  Though we may walk through sorrow and pain now, and perhaps we feel our current efforts are of little use... doing God's will is always the right thing to do, and will always move us towards happiness, both eternally and in this life, even though we can't see it right away.

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