Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Proverbs 29:12 -- On Lies, Adaptation, and God's Ways

"If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked."
Proverbs 29:12

This is interesting, and teaches the concept that we tend to live according to the rules of whatever game we are in.  If lying can get us a few more points with the ruler, then we tend to do that.  God, however, asks us to resist the influence of the world and the rules of the current game and to live by a higher, better law.

I think we all experience this as we go throughout life.  We get really good at mastering the rules in one context, and then we change jobs, or schools, or families, or some other context, and the rules are suddenly different and we have to readjust. Sometimes this is good, because we are learning a better way of doing things, and sometimes it is worse, where we might feel that we have to compromise our beliefs and principles in order to survive or compete in that context.

God teaches us a way to be whole and solid, and to not be swayed by circumstance.  He teaches us how to be people who can live in a Zion society, where there are no deceptions or changing rules, but we can be honest and good and not have to worry that we will be mocked or taken advantage of.  He teaches us to be that kind of person now, and to *change* the rules so that other people follow our examples and live better lives.

Today, let's be wise rulers, not hearkening to lies, as well as righteous servants, who can be trusted even when all around us are corrupt.  Let's stay true to God, our ruler who never hearkens to lies, and learn his ways rather than the world's ways.


  1. I have no words, but I do have the deepest feelings and believe that these words are true. I get emotional when I even think of how I should present myself to direct others from worldly ways and lead them to Heavenly Father . Love to you sister Brenner


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