Sunday, July 4, 2021

D&C 58:35-36 -- On Money and Consecration

"It is wisdom in me that my servant Martin Harris should be an example unto the church, in laying his moneys before the bishop of the church.
And also, this is a law unto every man that cometh unto this land to receive an inheritance; and he shall do with his moneys according as the law directs."
Doctrine and Covenants 58:35-36

These verses seems to be talking a little bit about the law of consecration which was followed by the church in the past where everyone pooled their resources and dedicated their resources to building up the community. It was partly about providing for the poor, as it explains here: "remember the poor, and consecrate of thy properties for their support that which thou hast to impart unto them, with a covenant and a deed which cannot be broken" (D&C 42:30). It's a hard law to follow, especially growing up in a society very much dedicated to individual ownership. Because of that perhaps, it is easy to look back at the past efforts of the church and think that it was a failure, a mistake, or that it could never work, but God tells us that "it is my purpose to provide for my saints, for all things are mine. / But it must needs be done in mine own way; and behold this is the way that I, the Lord, have decreed to provide for my saints, that the poor shall be exalted, in that the rich are made low" (D&C 104:15-16). Essentially I think he is saying that even if we aren't turning all our income over to the Bishop that he still expects us to behave as though what we are given by God is a stewardship, and to use it to take care of others.

Today, let's take a step back and consider all that the Lord has given us and blessed us with, and let's set an example by caring for others and lifting others up... and maybe as we do, we'll prepare ourselves to be better community members and siblings to each other, whether God asks us again individually to live this law or not.

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