Saturday, November 21, 2020

Romans 14:13 -- On Helping rather than Harming

"Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother’s way."
Romans 14:13

This is a really important thing to remember.  When we eventually stand before God I really think this is going to be the key--were we about helping or about harming?  

That's something that we can choose every day, every time we open our mouths, every time we take an action.  Too often we coast through life not really thinking about how what we say and do affects others... but we do affect others, all the time.  In fast, it would require some supernatural powers to NOT affect other people.  In general, we are good influences or bad influences... we are always helping or harming, whether by action or inaction.

Today, let's do our best to be influences for good.  Let's pray and talk to God about how we can help... and let's bend over backwards to avoid hurting anyone, whether they seem to deserve it or not.  Let's treat others as we (at our best) treat friends, family, and ourselves.  As we lift each other, God will afford us the same courtesy, inviting us to love and to hope and to return to him.

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