Thursday, November 12, 2020

1 Corinthians 5:12-13 -- On Accepting Correction

"For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within?
But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person."
1 Corinthians 5:12-13

These are some interesting verses, and on the surface might seem to contradict what Christ himself did.  We learn from significant parables that he loved many sinners, and talked to them and interacted with them.  However, he also had specific problems with people misusing the temple, or pretending to be holy and being evil underneath, and I think that is the case that we are talking about here.

Paul is addressing people in the church, and counseling them that they need to not allow those things among the members of the church.  There needs to be consequences for sin in God's house.  That doesn't mean that God doesn't love us... of course he does. :)  But we also need to understand when we've done wrong, and that there are significant consequences to that in terms of our relationship to the gospel... if there were no consequences, then it would be really hard for us to realize that we have crossed a line, and be motivated to turn around and come back.  If God tells us that we're wicked, let's try to be un-wicked, not buy the T-shirt. :)

Christ loved the woman taken in adultery, and he refused to condemn her.  However, significantly, he didn't tell her that her sins were okay.  He told her to sin no more.  This chapter is similarly about sexual sin... and that is what God is saying here as well.  We have to repent and change.  We definitely can (and should) still love people, but we can't change the laws of God for them.  That's his call.

God "cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance" (D&C 1:31).  When I was younger I always felt depressed at that scripture, because I thought that it meant that God basically just hated me because I couldn't be perfect.  I think now I understand... or at least understand more, that it isn't about how much he loves me.  He always loves us.  It is about our growth and ability to be where he is.  This life is about preparation to return to God, and the place where we need to learn how to own and take care of our bodies. :)  Just like a parent can't just let a child keep neglecting or abusing a pet, God can't let us neglect or abuse ourselves and each other.  We *must* grow up and learn respect and selflessness.  We're not going to get there in a day, and God is patient with us as we learn, but we need to keep being reminded to turn in the right direction where we are learning real love and not just serving violence and lust and appetite.  We can't just wallow in sin.

Today, let's remember God's commandments are there for a reason.  We shouldn't condemn others, and judgment belongs to God, but if he reaches out to correct us, either personally or through his church, that isn't man's doing, and it doesn't mean hate.  "For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth" (Proverbs 3:12).  Let's be willing to accept correction, to change, and to learn how to love as God does.

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