Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Isaiah 55:8 -- On Thoughts and Ways and Perspective

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord."
Isaiah 55:8

This is interesting because on the surface, it seems like God is reminding us that we are different beings... and our egos being what they are, maybe sometimes we forget. :)  The verse after this reminds us that his ways and thoughts are also higher and better. :)

I think one of the reasons that we came to earth was to establish our own identities... to find out who we were when we are on our own.  That's a hard thing to do sometimes... to have an opinion, to discover that we're not as noble as we'd hoped we'd be.  This reminder from God also helps us to remember that he *does* have it all figured out though, unlike us, and that we can go to him for help, and learn to be those people that we really want to be.

Today, let's remember that God's thoughts and ways are not automatically what we want, and that we should think about things from his perspective.  It helps us get outside ourselves and learn to be less selfish, for one, and it also helps us to see God's way as an example for our lives, so we have a pattern to follow... which helps make us not quite as lost. :)

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