Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Jeremiah 2:13 -- On Broken Cisterns and Living Water

"For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water."
Jeremiah 2:13

This is a good analogy that helps us to picture what it is that we do when we reject the Lord.  God offers us his perfect, pure, lifegiving water, and we're like, uh, no.  We want some other water... and we go looking for some.  We're getting pretty thirsty, but we have this great plan, and we know it is great because we thought of it all by ourselves.  We're going to build this huge cistern to store all of the water that we are going to find on our own.

So, we build a great big cistern, and miraculously we find a patch of damp mud that is probably close enough to water that we could get some moisture out of it... we pop that in the cistern, and well, um... it doesn't stay.  Because you know, we don't really know how to make cisterns or store water, and we sure don't know how to find it, but we keep thinking that we do... and the more we think so, the closer we get to dying of thirst, because we can't admit we're wrong and go back to God and ask for what he offered us in the first place.

This is a big reason why humility is part of the package when we come before God... because if we can't get over that false sense that we know better than he does, we're too lost to ask for his help.

Today, let's realize that we need God's living water, and let's be humble enough to ask for it, and be willing to listen and to change when we run into other areas where God is right and we are wrong.  (Hint: if someone is wrong, it is never God).  Let's drink the cup that he offers us, and work for his plan, which can uplift us all. :)

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