Saturday, September 26, 2020

2 Nephi 2:24 -- On Faith and Action

"But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things."
2 Nephi 2:24

On one hand this statement seems pretty simplistic and all-encompassing, and you could definitely argue the point.   Should we just accept everything the way it is and not work to change the things that seem bad or unfair?

On the other hand, this is the very essence of faith, isn't it?  The acceptance of God's will, and understanding that God knows what he is doing, even when things don't go the way we wish?

I think this is absolutely a true statement and that we should always err on the side of faith, accepting God's will in our lives.  However, let's also remember that this statement doesn't preclude our free agency, tie us to a course of action, or doom us to some certain fate (verse 27).

To me, it is a matter of learning to be on the same page with God.  His will and his plan takes all of us into account.  There is room in the story for our actions, and when we are doing God's will, then "all things work together for good" for us (Romans 8:28)... even the things that afflict us (D&C 98:3).  In fact, when we are doing God's will, then we are part of the "all things" that are done in his wisdom, right?

Today, let's work to be a part of God's brilliant tapestry of hope and joy... that's why we are here (verse 25), and God wants us to participate in his plan, rather than just sitting back and burying our talents and waiting to see what happens. :)  Let's embrace faith *and* take the future into our hands, shaping it for good with God's help.

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