Monday, April 6, 2020

Proverbs 28:5 -- On Understanding and Righteousness

"Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the Lord understand all things."
Proverbs 28:5

This is an interesting idea, that our understanding and our righteousness are tied together.  Thinking about it, this idea is found elsewhere in the scriptures, but not always as clearly.  And it makes a lot of sense, since the Spirit brings all things to our remembrance, and that is frequently how we tie mental concepts together, and the whole "stupor of thought" thing kind of goes along with how God teaches us, by either opening our understandings or causing us to let go of the wrong concepts, if we are in tune with him.

Now, of course I don't think that all "smart" people are righteous or the inverse.  There are different things and variations and challenges and talents and zillions of things going on there, and it definitely isn't that simple.  I'm just saying that God can bless us with knowledge and understanding, as he did Joseph Smith, and Nephi, and probably all of us at one time or another, and that being righteous helps that process, and is certainly something that we can do to increase the level of understanding in our own lives. :)

Today, let's be righteous and work on understanding God, and the world around us, and even ourselves more with his help. :)  And, in our personal study maybe we should keep an eye out for similar scriptures tying these concepts together, increasing our understanding in the process, and creating a vicious cycle of learning. :)

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