Wednesday, April 29, 2020

D&C 53:7 -- On Enduring Salvation

"And again, I would that ye should learn that he only is saved who endureth unto the end. Even so. Amen."
D&C 53:7

This is kind of a scary verse, but it's also really cool.  The scary part is when we think about what "enduring to the end" might entail, and realize that it probably is going to require effort. :) 

The cool part is all the rest, but a couple of aspects of it that I was thinking about are first that God is basically saying here "Never give up!" ... he knows that we can keep working at all of it, little by little, and if we keep working at it we're going to be okay.  It's only if we throw in the towel that we are lost.

The other cool part is that the enduring IS what is saving us, right?  We're enduring the process of salvation, as God molds us from rough potential into polished and strong masterpieces... the best version of ourselves.  It's not always fun to change from lumps of clay into works of art, but it's worthwhile, and it isn't just about what God wants... it is him helping us to learn to choose to be who we want to be, so it is an inward change, not just some superficial gloss. :)

Today, let's remember that even though enduring is hard, it's also getting us to exactly where we want to be.  No reason to turn back or give up.  Let's keep going, remembering that our path leads to God's embrace, and an eternity of joy. :)

1 comment:

  1. One clarification that I like to make is: adding “into the Kingdom of God” right after the word saved. I think most members understand this, but it took me awhile to realize that striving for exaltation in the celestial kingdom should be the ultimate goal.


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