Monday, September 9, 2019

D&C 64:29-30 -- On Working for the Lord

"Wherefore, as ye are agents, ye are on the Lord’s errand; and whatever ye do according to the will of the Lord is the Lord’s business.
And he hath set you to provide for his saints in these last days, that they may obtain an inheritance in the land of Zion."
Doctrine and Covenants 64:29-30

I like the idea of being about the Lord's business.  That's basically what Christ told Mary when he was twelve years old and stayed behind in Jerusalem when his parents and family left: "How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?" (Luke 2:49).  It's really how he lived his whole life, doing what God asked him to do, always, even during the maybe single time when he wanted something different.

Being on the Lord's errand makes a difference.  Doing something for God is different than doing it for ourselves.  It also might be a useful motivator.  Since we are used to doing things at work that we wouldn't necessarily choose to do if we were on vacation, that idea of duty can help us to try the things that God asks us to do, even when they are hard for us.

The concept of working for God is kind of a cool one.  It feels different than the word "obedience" which seems to get my hackles up sometimes, but working for God, well, that seems cool and important and kind of like you have the best job in the universe, right? :)  And, if you're like me and you are way more motivated to work for a boss or professor that you really like, or on a project that will make a difference, then even better... God is the coolest of them all, and his projects are the most exciting ones that exist.  Nothing else has even close to the same potential. :)

Today, if we're asking why, or having a hard time getting out of bed, or wondering what is the point--let's remember that there is a point, and it is to get in there and work for God.  No questionable ethical practices at this company, no treating its employees badly, and tons of freedom to develop your talents and design your own projects.  It's basically a perfect job.  There is work enough for everyone, and more rewards than you can possibly imagine.  ... I sound like a recruitment poster, but that's okay. :)  Let's work for the Lord, and let's work on helping and providing for others.

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