Tuesday, May 29, 2018

1 Nephi 8:10 -- On the Tree of Happiness

"And it came to pass that I beheld a tree, whose fruit was desirable to make one happy."
1 Nephi 8:10

I love the idea of a happiness tree.  This particular tree is specifically explained as being symbolic of the love of God, but even without that tip, it sounds amazing.  It reminds me of the trees in the Garden of Eden, or of the fictional money tree that people dream of. :)  I mean, if we could just casually walk out and pick fruit to be happy, wouldn't we?

The thing is, I think often it is pretty close to that easy.  Just like the brass serpent that Moses raised up, and the only effort that the people had to make was to look (see Numbers 21:9; Alma 33:19-21), I think we miss happiness in very many cases because we don't have the faith to do the simple things that God has asked of us... especially utilizing the power of prayer.  And usually it is for the same reason that many didn't look at the brass serpent to save themselves: because we don't believe that it will work.

We run into things in our lives sometimes that are sad and disheartening, and often because of those things, we don't believe that we can be happy.  We don't see a path to happiness from where we are, and so we assume that it isn't there.  Often though, happiness is just one prayer away, and the only thing standing between us and happiness is the hope and faith that would motivate us to get on our knees and talk to our Heavenly Father.

Today, let's try the experiment and get on our knees.  Let's pour out our souls to God and tell him what we are going through.  Let's reach out for the fruit of the tree of happiness.  Instead of believing that it won't work, let's try it, and see.  If we go to God with a sincere heart, he can help us through anything, guiding us in every step.  Let's trust that, talk to him about our lives, and for even longer-lasting happiness, let's actually take the advice that he offers. :)

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