Wednesday, January 10, 2018

D&C 64:23 -- On a Day of Sacrifice

"Behold, now it is called today until the coming of the Son of Man, and verily it is a day of sacrifice, and a day for the tithing of my people; for he that is tithed shall not be burned at his coming."
Doctrine and Covenants 64:23

We don't like the idea of sacrifice very much.  The idea of getting things slowly is okay.  Waiting is usually okay... we can delay pretty well.  The idea though that we have to give things up is really hard.  Why?  Shouldn't we be able to have everything?  ... We're kinda greedy like that, I think.

I don't know whether there are sacrifices that we are going to need to make in the eternities.  I kind of don't think so, since this is the time when we are learning all of the hard stuff, and sickness and death and sorrow will be done away.  But the principle is an important one nevertheless.  Part of building Zion is making sure there is enough for everyone--that we aren't leaving anyone out and that there are no poor left to suffer.  In order to ensure that, we have to "sacrifice" some of what we have, to make sure that others are provided for. 

We also have to learn to sacrifice our own desires in order to follow God, and eventually to learn to want what he wants as well.  That can be a lot harder than giving up material possessions, because those desires that we have to let go of are often things that we have used to define ourselves, and we can feel that losing them is losing who we are on some level.  And it is, on the same level where we have to lose ourselves to find ourselves.  Still a net positive for us, definitely, but it can be a huge hurdle.

Today, let's be willing to sacrifice for God.  Let's realize that sacrifice is necessary to teach us selflessness and true, Christlike love.  Let's work to put God's will before our own, even when it isn't fun or comfortable.

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