Friday, September 20, 2013

Colossians 3:3

"If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."
Colossians 3:3

 When this selection says risen with Christ, I think it means risen to a mighty change in our heart/perspective... dead to sin, risen to life.  More a baptismal image than written only to those who have been resurrected. :)  But even though that complete change in the nature of our bodies hasn't happened yet, we're still encouraged to set our affections on heavenly things rather than earthly things.   I think that is the way Christ lived.  Not that he didn't care for people... he did.  But people are also heavenly things.  And he cared more about their souls than their approval. 
In some ways, this scripture is saying the common phrase "get your minds out of the gutter."  I think that it goes further though, not just forbidding the bad, but suggesting a good replacement. :)  Instead of wallowing in the earthly, let's contemplate the heavenly... the possibilities of eternity. :)  When we dedicate ourselves to God, we're dedicating ourselves to a whole new perspective.  Trying to learn to think as he does, to see farther and to plan ahead.  Not only for next week, but for always.  We have to stop thinking only of what feels good now or the short-term win.  What truly matters as eternal beings, and how do we prepare to eventually meet God?
Today, though our time is short and ethereal by comparison, let's focus our affections on things that will still be there after our time is over.  People, relationships, learning, becoming better selves, and of course God, who helps us through it all because he knows what it will be like. :)

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