Sunday, July 27, 2008

John 14:2

"In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."
John 14:2

I'm moving this week, so I'm probably preoccupied with it... but that's what this scripture made me think of.  It is so scary and stressful to move to a new place... even when it is a great place.  Especially when it is very far, you're leaving people you love behind, and you don't know anyone, or the area at all.  And someone going before you, to prepare the way, to find a place to live, to make things ready for your arrival... that would make ALL the difference.  Instead of stressing out about a new place, you would have a built-in friend, and a place to stay, and nothing to be concerned with beyond the necessity of change. :) ... And yes, this scripture is about death... but it is similar.  Death is not as horrible as we sometimes think... it is a journey to an amazingly cool place.  ...But it *is* scary, and it *is* very far away, at least in terms of our perceptions.  Christ went before us, to prepare things for us, so that we won't be lost, and so that things will be okay.  When we get there, we don't have to find our own space, or worry about sleeping on the floor, because he's taken care of the preparations for us.  I love that he does that for us, and that he has done that for the people I care about who have gone before.

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