Tuesday, November 20, 2001

Hebrews 11:1

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Hebrews 11:1

This is intriguing.  We were talking Sunday about why we do genealogy, and someone was talking about the spiritual bonds that tie us together... that we need each other.  I think that need is real, more than spiritual... a real, physical, tangible thing that is part of our spirits and our bodies... part of our whole selves.  So, then... thinking along those lines, if you think of faith as the bond between you and what you hope for... the physical reality tying you to the unseen world... it suddenly has so many more dimensions than you've ever dreamed of.  It doesn't even resemble belief anymore... belief becomes shapeless, shallow, and limited in dimension.  Faith is the connector... the thing that ties you to your dreams... the thing that is so deeply rooted in you that it can never be severed... whatever you connect with will be part of you.  The scientific evidence of the inexplicable. :)  I love it. :)

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