Sunday, November 4, 2001

1 Timothy 6:18

"That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distrbute, willing to communicate."
1 Timothy 6:18

Isn't it interesting that communication is part of the gospel?  I mean, everything is of course part of the gospel, but I just find it interesting that God mentions it here.  Prayer is a good form of communication, but this scripture doesn't specify that form, so I think that it goes further.... to things that we have talked about before.  We need each other on this earth... we need each other to build a righteous community.  We need each other as part of our test (Neal A. Maxwell says that we are each other's clinical experience).  I was driving with a friend this evening and we were talking about things that we had learned, or were trying to learn... and all of them involve other people.  We learn to interact, to love, to listen... to communicate.  Every person we interact with on this earth is there for a reason... part of the plan.  Communication matters.  People matter.  Let's help each other pass today's test... and, inasmuch as it is possible... have fun doing it. :)

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