Monday, December 11, 2000

Abraham 3:22-23

"Now the Lord had shown unto me, Abraham, the intelligences that were organized before the world was; and among all these there were many of the noble and great ones;
And God saw these souls that they were good, and he stood in the midst of them, and he said: These I will make my rulers; for he stood among those that were spirits, and he saw that they were good; and he said unto me: Abraham, thou are one of them; thou wast chosen before thou wast born."
Abraham 3:22-23

Do we realize, I wonder, how incredible we are?  I'm not trying to give anyone a big head... just wondering if we can see the reality of the situation.  We're children of God, first of all... we have the power and the potential to do anything at all.  This man, Abraham... he changed the world dramatically, and he was only one man, living in a scary society that embraced human sacrifice.  Noah lived in a scary society too... and he saved humanity.  Moses... scary society that enjoyed slavery.  King Benjamin too... but he was able to change his society to good.  That's amazing. :)  They were all just one individual... children of God... just like we are.  Now, don't go thinking that you aren't as cool as they were... you are... you ARE.  We were taught and instructed, and chosen... before we were born.  We are here for a reason... and whether that reason affects the entire earth or just your immediate surroundings, it requires faith and courage and commitment on a heroic level.  But that isn't a problem for us, because we *are* heroes.  We were sent here to be.  We might be heroes in the traditional sense... saving people from a burning building (physically or spiritually) or perhaps we are sent to be an incredibly heroic example to others by overcoming our own personal addictions.  Maybe we'll only save one... or be an example to one... but if so, how incredible we are, to be entrusted with that personalized mission.
God didn't send anyone here without something great to do.  And he didn't send anyone here without the ability and the opportunity to do it.  It requires courage, yes... and strength.  But the mission is never beyond our capacity.  We are, each of us, noble and great.  We are chosen and called to be a light in the midst of darkness.  We are good.
A friend was over at my apartment the other day and he asked me why I didn't "get stoned."  I told him, because I'm being good. :)  And he said "But good isn't any fun." ... Yes it is, my friends... yes it is. :)  It is more fun that anything else there is.  Do we see that?  Do we look on the gospel as an adventure or as a chore? :)  It is an adventure... and we are the good guys, the heroes of the story.  Let's go fight the evil and save the world... for real. :)

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