Thursday, November 9, 2000

Psalms 138:1

"I will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee."
Psalms 138:1

Continuing on the theme of yesterday, which was live heartily... make a choice and go with it... commit to something... I think that the key word here is "whole."  So often I find myself with my heart divided.  Trying to please God and still have something on the side... afraid to give totally any part of myself.  Truly, though... we don't know God as we should until we make that commitment.  Until we take the risk, jump in with both feet... you can only get so close to swimming dipping your foot in the water, or holding on to the edge of the pool.  Sometimes we sit on the edge of the pool and stare in for a while and then decide that it is too cold.  We gave it a chance, we think... but it isn't for us.  We do the same thing with the gospel... we look at it, evaluate it... decide, no... it isn't working for me, when we have never really committed to it with our whole heart.  We are always holding something back, just in case... but until we hold nothing back, we can only have a very limited faith.  We are still standing outside, observing... you can't know the natives until you get in there and live with them. :)
Sometimes I think about what I believe and what I don't... I have a testimony of parts of the gospel, and really don't understand others very well.  Most of us are in the same situation I think... so, what makes the difference between the person that dismisses the gospel because they don't understand one part of it, and someone who believes the entire gospel because they know one part of it to be true?  Something to think about today...

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