Saturday, November 11, 2000

Alma 26:27

"Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success."
Alma 26:27

I like this scripture... I think that it offers a lot of hope.  We all get depressed at times, and want to "turn back" ... kind of like Lot's wife. :)  But the Lord tells us here that the hardships, emotionally, mentally, physically... they are part of the journey.  They build us and make us stronger... and if we can manage to bear them with patience, the Lord will give us success.  Patience is such a huge thing, and very hard to have sometimes.  Satan likes to see us hurting and weary... and he offers escape.  not relief, not joy... but temporary escape.  it is often very tempting to take him up on the offer.  The Lord though... he might give us a brief rest stop, but then we have to start going again.  We have to go out there and try to change the world.  And trying... and the patience in afflictions that goes along with it... brings us success, because the Lord is with us.  He teaches us of our ability to change the world... teaches us of our ability to become more than we could possibly dream on our own.  We find that, as tempting as it is to turn back, that we have the strength to go on... to build Zion... to find peace.  Many times Satan whispers of failure, and if failure, then why try... but with God, failure is impossible.  Continuing on the path is all that is expected of us... continuing to walk when it is easier to sit down.  this path is the only path to true joy... the only path to realizing our true potential... and yes, if it were all up to us, we might fail... but it isn't.  as long as we are committed and trying, the Lord will GIVE us the success in the end.  He only expects the effort of trying... of working at the lessons he has assigned.  We don't have to be our own teachers, and grant ourselves a degree.  We just have to follow the path, and learn.

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