Saturday, October 24, 2020

Psalms 126:5 -- On Sorrow, Anxiety, Planting, and Joy

"They that sow in tears shall reap in joy."
Psalms 126:5

I like the idea here of looking toward the future.  Too often when we are sorrowful we focus so much of our grief that we shut down, and we stop doing basic things like taking care of ourselves, our homes, an our jobs or other obligations.  We let responsibilities and relationships slip.  And while that is totally understandable, if we let things go too much, then that sorrow is going to last even longer, not only now, but also through the consequences later, and facing that ever-growing pile of obligations gets scarier and scarier the more they pile up.

I don't think that God ever says to us that our emotions don't matter or that we shouldn't grieve.  He understands better than anyone what it feels like to suffer and how hard to deal with life can be.  I think his message here is kinder than that, reminding us that in order to manage our own anxiety and to overcome the obstacles in our lives, we often need to face them rather than run away from them, so they don't get too large and scary and our of proportion so that we don't feel it is possible to escape our doom.

If we let things get that bad, none of this means that God won't help us.  He will always help us recover and rest until we're ready to try again.  As long as we keep trying, he won't give up on us... I think the danger that he is trying to save us from here is getting to the point where WE give up.

The world seems pretty crazy sometimes, and we don't always know what is next, and that can be scary and make us want to deal with anything for a while.  So, that's okay.  Today, let's give ourselves some time to breathe and step back.  But let's also remember this verse and make sure we don't run away too far or too long from our lives, and that we make sure we keep our lines of communication with God open, even in our sorrow.  If we have him there beside us, he will help us in our sorrow, and help us also to remember to do the necessary planting so that our sorrow can turn to joy, by and by. :)

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