Monday, October 26, 2020

D&C 4:6 -- 10 Things God Wants Us to Remember

"Remember faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence." 
Doctrine and Covenants 4:6

There is a lot more to this section, but I think that this list is more than enough to take in at once. :)  When we're distracted trying to juggle all the obligations in our lives, these are sometimes things that we can forget.

Today, let's trust God a little more, let's be truly good a little bit more.  Let's learn a little more, and be more moderate in how we satisfy our appetites and passions.  Let's be more patient with ourselves and with others.  Let's be truly kind in more circumstances, strive to be more like God, learn to see people as God sees them a little bit more, less prideful, and more dedicated to God's will.

We're not going to master the list overnight, but it's a good list of 10 things that we can keep handy (or memorize) as a good thing to mentally run through before any important or questionable decision.  These are things that God stands for, and if the decision doesn't pass the test for these, then it might be worth re-thinking. :)  Today, let's keep the list in mind, and do what we can to improve.

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