Saturday, October 3, 2020

Helaman 11:34 -- On Evil and Remembrance

"Now this great evil, which came unto the people because of their iniquity, did stir them up again in remembrance of the Lord their God."
Helaman 11:34

This verse strikes me because I think when we run into evil, we often give up or deflate.  We don't know how to deal with it, and we just want to avoid or run away... even if it is caused by us, which is a lot harder to run away from.

I like the idea here that what evil *should* do is stir up our remembrance of God... remind us of the supreme power of good, and how much we need God's positive influence in our lives.

Today, as we face evil and hardship and confusion, let's turn to God and remember that he is the source of our hope and the solution to all evil.

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