Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Psalms 63:3 -- On Life and Importance

"Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee."
Psalms 63:3

I'm impressed by the statement here that God's love and kindness are better than life. I think that is pretty powerful, considering how highly we value our lives... and I think that it is that kind of devotion that we achieve when we truly understand God's importance. He isn't important just in our lives, but his importance transcends our lives and reaches out to everyone. His life was given to save us, and our lives and our hope and our opportunities all come from him.

Today, let's think about how important God seems in our lives, and if he isn't right at the top, then let's take some time to really dig in and learn about him. If we give him the time, God will help us understand how important the atonement and the gospel are, and how we can understand and incorporate those truths into our lives.

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