Thursday, May 23, 2024

Matthew 11:28 -- On Rest

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28

Sometimes we look at the things that God asks us to do, and it seems like too much, and we think that it is impossible to get to heaven... it's too hard, or we're too weak, or maybe both.

That's Satan talking though. Christ's message is clear: if we are burdened, we can turn to him. In the next verse he offers to lighten our burdens if we learn of him. God's way is not just the better way, but it is also the *less* burdensome way. Perhaps we all can understand how that works if we have repented, and felt God lifting that load from us.

Christ loves us. Today, let's turn to him and ask for whatever help we need. If we learn of him and work with him, our lives will be better, and our futures and eternities will be better as well. :)

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