Sunday, May 5, 2024

Mosiah 4:27 -- On Wisdom, Order, Pacing, and Commitment

"And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order."
Mosiah 4:27

I love the "wisdom and order" explanation here. King Benjamin explains that we shouldn't run faster than we have strength (pacing ourselves, not burning ourselves out), but also that we need to be diligent (keep moving forward, keep our focus on the finish line (in this case, thinking celestial: heaven / salvation / being united with God).

Doctrine and Covenants 64:32-34 explain that "all things must come to pass in their time," so we shouldn't "be weary in well-doing" and that "the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind" and that we need to be willing and obedient... and I think that scripture passage along with this one clarifies even more that God wants us to be diligent and keep our focus on God's will, but also that we shouldn't expect things immediately (pace ourselves), that we need to be patient, staying healthy, getting proper rest, etc.

Today, let's be committed and diligent... going all in with God and putting him first. But let's be patient and endure trials as well as can, because God's work is not a sprint. Let's take it slow when we need to, moving forward with a plan and working towards God's kingdom in an organized way. Like Nephi and the Brother of Jared, if things don't work out the first time, let's go back to the drawing board and try again, and again, until, with God, we get it worked out.

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