Saturday, May 18, 2024

Mosiah 13:31 -- On Types and Symbolism

"But behold, I say unto you, that all these things were types of things to come."
Mosiah 13:31

This is a verse talking about the Law of Moses and how the performances and ordinances in it were symbolic of things to come, one of which specifically was Christ and the atonement that he made for sin.

There is a lot of symbolism in the gospel now as well. Baptism is a symbol of our sins being washed away, but the real cleanliness comes through repentance and keeping our covenants with God. The story of Adam and Eve we have in the scriptures more than once because it is a story that teaches us through symbolism, just like a lot of the parables, or Lehi's dream, or the allegory of the olive trees in Jacob 5.

I think God teaches us through symbols because he wants us to think about what he is saying, and search for the layers of meaning. Often principles seem to have more meaning when we work for them and test how they apply in our lives. Not just that though. God teaches us the same principles in many different ways because we need that repetition, and also because we all need to hear them in little, different ways sometimes for them to stick. He does everything he can for us, to help us to understand and to accept his word, even though it is sometimes really hard. I think especially so when it conflicts with something that we wanted for ourselves. If we do it God's way anyway, later we can look back and see exactly why, but when it is actually happening, it's super tough to do something we don't want to do, even though we know it is the right thing.

Today, let's learn from the symbolism and stories that God has given to us in the scriptures. Let's study and learn about God and his gospel, and pray to understand what God would have us know as we learn. God is the perfect teacher, and he will help us as we seek him.

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