Sunday, July 12, 2015

Matthew 6:33 -- On God First

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
Matthew 6:33

We were talking about this today in Relief Society.  This is an amazing promise, and we just have to try it in our lives to see it work.  If we feel overwhelmed and can't handle life, we can put God first, and he will help us handle it.  If we are unhappy, we can put God first, and he will help us notice things to be happy about.  One of the women in the meeting today said that it doesn't seem to make sense that *adding* something to our lives can help calm them down, but when the things that we add are prayer and scripture study, it actually does work that way.
Today, let's have the faith to put God first... before all the things that we need to do, before all the things that we want to do.  And when we do, God will help everything else fall into place, or fall out of our lives if needed.  If we need extra strength, God can bless us with it.  If we need comfort, God will send his spirit.  As long as we are putting God first, everything else will work out.

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