Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hebrews 11:1

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Hebrews 11:1

This is a scripture that I have heard a lot over the years, and I wonder if some of the wonder and impact of this scripture is lost because we hear it so often. ... Think about hope.  What do we hope for?  Health, peace, a nice toy for Christmas... lots of things. :) And the hope is pretty intangible.  It is nice to hope for something, but it isn't real to us without something else mixed in.  The scientist studies a disease for years, hoping to find a cure, or a way to battle it... hoping for a lead, for something to work with.  One day, the breakthrough comes, and suddenly that hope turns more immediate... more tangible.  I think that is the way it works with the gospel too.  We merely believe a lot of things... and sometimes it is a big thing, sometimes it is gradual, but afterward, there is a whole other dimension.  Faith is tangible.  It is imminent.  A connection between hope and reality... one that leads one to become the other. ... And that is *amazing* ... being able to *feel* the truth.  Being able to make our hopes into realities. ... Learning more about the incredible depth and power of God.

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