Thursday, February 12, 2004

Alma 62:10

"And thus it became expedient that this law should be strictly observed for the safety of their country; yea, and whosoever was found denying their freedom was speedily executed according to the law."
Alma 62:10

Interesting. Captain Moroni was the leader of the Nephite armies at this time, and there was a part of the people that wanted a King.   So, they made an agreement with the Lamanites that they would hold the capital city and the Lamanites could take over the rest of the land.   I can't see why they would do that, myself, but it does mention that many of them were of "high birth," so maybe they thought they would get more power that way... ?
It reminds me of one of my students... she keeps telling me how great anarchy would be... so much better than the government we have now.   I'm not head over heels in love with the government myself, but I can't understand saying that anarchy is better.   It's great, up to the point where someone does something bad to you, and then you start saying "there should be a law against that..."
Anyway, so the people who had plotted against the government had trials, and were executed. Interesting that the willingness to give up your freedom results in the ultimate loss of freedom... and all of this seems to me to relate to the war in heaven... the struggle between freedom and programmed lives.  Is the difference our potential?

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