Saturday, August 18, 2001

Romans 10:13

"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
Romans 10:13

Today I am thinking a lot about prayer... and I think that this scripture illustrates how very important it is.  No matter how bad life gets, through fate or bad choices, there is always hope to be found in talking to the Lord.  If we call on him, no matter where we are, he will answer us and help us, and lead us to a better place.  Perhaps back to the path, perhaps to a promised land.  Perhaps just into his arms.  But no matter what, he is there for us when we need him.  You know, when we can do nothing else... if we can just talk to our Father... he'll give us the strength to get out of bed in the morning. :)  And, he'll help us to become brave enough to take more steps... like reading our scriptures or going to church... or walking on water perhaps, if we progress that far. :)  So, today... let's have a conversation with God.  Even when it doesn't solve our problems immediately (and you know, sometimes it does), it *always* gives us hope, and makes us feel better about who we are and what we can accomplish in our lives.  Try it. :)

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