Wednesday, August 22, 2001

Alma 37:46

"O my son, do not let us be slothful because of the easiness of the way; for so it was with our fathers; for so was it prepared for them, that if they would look they might live; even so it is with us.  The way is prepared, and if we will look we may live forever."
Alma 37:46

In the Old Testament there is a story about how a bunch of these poisonous snakes came out and bit most of the children of Israel and Moses raised up a staff, and anyone who would look at it would be saved alive.  Some of the people looked, some didn't... because they didn't believe that it would help them.  In the beginning of the Book of Mormon Lehi's family is given the Liahona... which was a compass-type thing with a spindle that pointed the way that they should go.  When they looked, they went the way they should go, and when they didn't, they wandered around hungry a lot... because they didn't believe that it would help them.  And we... we have some simple things in our lives that will point the way that we should go.  Reading our scriptures is one of the big things.  It isn't a hard thing... but sometimes we don't believe that it will help us, and so we don't do it.  And we let the poison sink in a little more... and go hungry in the wilderness, just like they did. 
There are hard things in the gospel, mostly when what we want conflicts with what God wants.  I am not trying to say that life is simple... but God gives us a lot of really easy things that can make all the rest of it make sense, and improve the easiness factor by 200-300% at least. :)  One of them is reading the scriptures.  They are incredible, and have such depth that it doesn't matter how many times you read them, you are still seeing new things and learning more.  Not the kind of books where you can say... oh, yeah... I read that. :)  And they are just as amazingly miraculous as Moses' staff *and* the Liahona... if you go to the scriptures with a sincere question, and you believe, there is always an answer there.  If you need some comfort and peace, there is some there available to you.  Prayer is another easy thing, a way for us to talk to our Father... and the Scriptures are a way for Him to talk to us.  If we only believe; if we only look.

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