Saturday, November 19, 2022

Psalms 24:1 -- On God's Supremacy

"The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."
Psalms 24:1

This is a good thing to remember... maybe one of the biggest things that we forget in life, and it relates directly to the "first and great commandment" (Matthew 22:37-38, Mark 12:29) of loving God, and the whole idea of God. We shrink God in our minds to a being that is just like one of us, when he isn't anything of the sort.

It's good to remember when we're having a bad day that we are God's children and that someday we can learn what he knows, etc., but the operative word is children. And it is important that we know that we don't need to be afraid of talking to God, and that he wants us to, and loves us. However, when we start thinking that God is just another authority figure to rebel against or that we can trick him, or get into heaven our own way and pick and choose which commandments to follow, then we're getting way off track.

We're equally misguided when we think that we can manipulate him because of his great love for us. First of all, love is not some inconsequential thing that should be abused to get our way with anyone, and second, God is not an overly permissive grandparent. He's not there to meet our deadlines for proving himself to us, or subject to our twisted "I won't love you unless you do this for me" pleas. He knows what is behind all of that. He knows our hearts.

Today, let's remember that God made the earth and everything in it, and stop fighting him on the subject of who is in charge. Once we get past that and gain a little bit of perspective and humility, then we can get to the real work of learning from God, being part of his work, and taking his advice, including the second commandment of loving everyone else, for we are all his creations. If we can get this one thing right... to put God and his will first in everything, then all of life will fit together better, because we won't be fighting against where the puzzle peices actually go. :)

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