Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Moroni 6:9 -- On Living by the Spirit

"And their meetings were conducted by the church after the manner of the workings of the Spirit, and by the power of the Holy Ghost; for as the power of the Holy Ghost led them whether to preach, or to exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate, or to sing, even so it was done."
Moroni 6:9

I like the idea of living by the spirit this much, that everyone is listening to the spirit and not resisting it, so things don't need to be planned out ahead of time as much, but just acted out as we are inspired to act. We're probably not there yet, but it seems like a really intriguing possibility, and maybe something we should think about more in our lives... what is the spirit inspiring us to do? The more we learn to recognize and act on real promptings from God, the closer we can get to really living according to the spirit and doing exactly what the Lord wants us to do.

We won't be good at it at first, and shouldn't give up if we can't figure it out... but keep trying and just act on things that are good, avoiding anything that seems like an exception to God's laws. If we make it to Nephi level and we're sure the Lord is asking us to make a huge exception like with Laban, then we can make that sort of decision... but until we're to the absolutely certain point with the spirit, then only acting within the boundaries of the commandments is wise, because anything outside of that could be inspiration from a darker source, or stray thoughts of our own.

Today, let's pray and work with God to learn how the spirit works in our lives and how to know what God is asking us to do. A lot of it will be the basics... pray, read, study, do good... but as we listen and learn and understand, the spirit might inspire us to help someone or do something that only we can do, and over time, maybe we'll learn better how to really live closer to the way Christ lived, listening to God and getting his help with everything in our lives.

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