Thursday, September 28, 2000

2 Nephi 10:23-24

"Therefore, cheer up your hearts, and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves—to choose the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, reconcile yourselves to the will of God, and not to the will of the devil and the flesh; and remember, after ye are reconciled unto God, that it is only in and through the grace of God that ye are saved."
2 Nephi 10:23-24

Sometimes all of us try to make the choice more complicated than it is.  we basically have a choice between a fresh, perfect piece of our favorite fruit, or a donut that has been sitting in a dark cupboard so long that it is more mold than donut... and wasn't even our favorite kind, or tasty to begin with.  So, we look at this choice and we say... well, I feel like having a donut more than I feel like having fresh fruit.  Yeah, it would be nice if this was a good donut, but it's really what I want, and even though it is a little fuzzy, I really like donuts.  it isn't really this donut that we want, it's more the idea of donuts... something sweet and instant and covered with chocolate and sprinkles or whatever. :)  And the idea of fruit... healthy, but not *chocolate* ... you know?  So we keep turning back to the moldy donut, wondering why it isn't sweet and delicious like we thought donuts were supposed to be... and we never even taste the fruit, which is sweeter and better than any fruit could possibly be.  And we even realize that choosing the donut means that we can never come back and have the fruit, but we rationalize... you know... we didn't like fruit that much anyway... even though we haven't even tasted it, we just don't like the idea as much.  And then, if we are on a diet and are forcing ourselves to try the fruit... we realize that it is perfect, better than anything we've ever tasted before, and that there is more to come... probably even something chocolate for dessert. :)  The choice is really death or life... nothing or everything... bad or good... but we keep turning back to the moldy donut, wondering why it isn't better tasting, thinking that if we keep eating, maybe we'll taste the chocolate more...
Anyway, maybe that is a gross analogy, enjoy your breakfast. :)  but seriously... we give up everything and find out that what we wanted badly enough to give up eternity isn't even that great in the end... it makes us feel like hell, and instead of going and getting our stomach pumped to get rid of the food poisoning, we figure we'll go back for more.  we're all insane.  we need to get therapy. :) (from God, of course) :)

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